Garrett Davis' Stage Play "Stuck in the Middle"

By Stuck in the Middle (other events)

Saturday, June 11 2022 11:00 AM 12:00 PM EST

Garrett Davis stage play Daddy's Boys has bee touring the country for over 3 years and today as been viewed over a million times on plaatorms such as ROKU and Amazon Fire.

This episode of Daddyi's Boys shows how easy it is to be stuck in the middle of caring for your loved one while juggling the daily necessities of being head of the family. 

Being a strong black and the one who has been the provider for years for his family Pops does not notice the signs of depression, stress, and the constant fight to maintain his head above his constant changing financial situation while his sons are yearning for his attention. His youngest son seems to have been pushed away due to the decsion he made to live a certain way no approved by his father but accpeted by his brothers.

Facts: With an aging population and a generation of young adults struggling to achieve financial independence, the burdens and responsibilities of middle-aged Americans are increasing. Nearly half (47%) of adults in their 40s and 50s have a parent age 65 or older and are either raising a young child or financially supporting a grown child (age 18 or older). And about one-in-seven middle-aged adults (15%) is providing financial support to both an aging parent and a child.